Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji)

Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji) - Hy My friends Best Recipe, on this occasion I will share Recipe Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji), recipes that I share with you the following is the best recipes you can easily practice at home , Well for selanjudnya please read resepe I wrote the following

Title : Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji)
Recipe : Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji)

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Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji)

I dont know how I forgot to blog about this delicious recipe. One of my cousin recently reminded me of this.

At our home, we call this Aayi's bhaji (just to distinguish from Amma's bhaji!!!). This is prepared with either puri or dosa.

In Konkani Paattal means 'a substance which has more liquid' (Please somebody give me a more suitable word here). This name is given because the other bhaji I mentioned above is a dry bhaji.
Though the ingredients for both the bhajis are exactly same, because of the different procedures of cooking, they have a great difference in taste.

Ingredients :
Potatoes 3-4
Onions 2-3
Coconut ½
Cloves(lavang) 5-6
Cinnamon(Chakke,dalchini) 2 inch piece
Tamarind 1/2 tea spn
Red chillies 5-6
Coriander seeds 1 tea spn
Oil 1 tea spn

Heat the oil. Fry cloves, cinnamon, red chillies and coriander seeds. Grind with coconut, tamarind and salt.
Peel and cut potatoes in small pieces. Cut onions. Cook onions and potatoes in water. When cooked, add the ground masala. Cook for 10min. Serve with dosa or puri.

Serves : 4
Preparation time : 30min

Articles Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji)

Now that he's recipes Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji), The above recipe may be useful for you all and please see also other interesting recipes.

You read Articles Potato Masala Bhaji (Batate Paattal Masale bhaji) And Permalink Article Is https://vierecipes.blogspot.com/2006/04/potato-masala-bhaji-batate-paattal.html We hope this rechipe This can be useful.